Our Mission

More Than Just Personal Training

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

It is said that during World War II, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto pondered on the potential invasion of the mainland United States and came to the conclusion that “we can never invade the mainland United States. Behind every blade of grass would be an American with a rifle.” 

Whether this quote has been accurately attributed is up for debate–however, the significance and truth within the quote–spoken or unspoken–holds a lot of weight. 

We have to be not only willing to overcome adversity in the face of seemingly overwhelming forces—we have to be able.

It is for this reason that EBG Training exists. We The People are a community, and members of a community are responsible for not only protecting themselves but protecting their friends, family, and neighbors. We have to be not only willing to overcome adversity in the face of seemingly overwhelming forces, we have to be able.

The EBG Training Methodology has been developed to help individuals achieve their fitness goals–whether that be strength, aesthetics, body recomposition, or otherwise–and live their best life in as much peace and harmony as possible… yet simultaneously prepare them to keep that peace and make that peace if ever chaos and disorder overwhelm it.

members of a community are responsible for not only protecting themselves but protecting their friends, family, and neighbors.

With firearms and combat proficiency being an integral piece of this ideology, EBG Training prides itself on providing personalized and effective training in these discourses as an integral aspect of our methodology to ensure the holistic readiness of the people.

The Mindset Behind the Mission

  • Nothing great was ever built without great labor. No great structure, great innovation, nor great person was ever built through constant ease and comfort.

    There is a time and a place for ease and comfort—but it isn’t the training grounds.

    Our programs are designed to not only help you reach your fitness-specific goals, but also build your self-confidence, boost your mindset, and have you stronger not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well.

    wherever you are starting, your workouts will be personalized and built to be tough. your efforts will be great. and the rewards will be worth it.

    Don’t come to us looking for the satisfaction of “having a trainer.” Come to us for the satisfaction of putting in the work—the RIGHT work.

    Our coaches live this lifestyle every day because in order for us to help build you up—we have to hold our selves to an equal or higher standard.

    Iron Sharpens Iron. We get nowhere by “going through the motions” every day.

  • Discipline is a core component of our success—in every aspect of our lives. It boils down to our ability to choose to act on the things we SHOULD do over the things we WANT to do.

    Whether it’s being a better student, better athlete, better parent, partner, or a better friend… discipline is at the core of any “improvement” we wish to make.

    Jocko Willink declares that “discipline equals freedom.” this equation couldn’t be more precise. The better we find ourselves holding to a disciplined standard—the more freedom we are able to utilize. We are faster, stronger, better, live longer, and enjoy more of our lives.

    The EBG Training Program utilizes the practice of discipline in the gym, in our nutrition habits, and in short-term goal-accomplishment to orient our clients towards a more disciplined way of life beyond just these discourses.

    Establishing the habit of discipline in our physical selves will lead us to be more disciplined in our careers, studies, personal lives, and everything in between.

  • Our duty at EBG Training is to assist our clients to live the most free and prosperous life possible. We want YOU to accomplish what you’ve only ever barely thought possible. We want YOU to enjoy the freedom that you earn through discipline.

    We want you to feel secure in a crowded room. We want you to be confident in the face of confrontation. we want you to live in peace and harmony.

    At the end of the day, each of us is tasked with the role of a peacekeeper. Being sure that any potential breach in that peace is dissuaded as soon as possible.

  • There is constantly a delicate balance—a dichotomy—at play between order and chaos. Some call it good and evil. Yin and yang. etc. this balance is volatile and subject to disturbance at any moment.

    it is for this reason that in order for us to best enjoy the peace and harmony we wish to live in, we must be prepared to MAKE that peace if chaos were to ever overtake order.


    Within each side of this balance is a sliver of the other. where there is an abundance of chaos—some level of order can be found within. Likewise, within an abundance of order, one can always find a sliver of chaos.

    this reality calls for a characteristic within us that is often underappreciated: Virtue.

  • it should go without saying that as rational, civilized people, We should not be “violent” towards one another.

    Taking that into consideration, we would be foolish to neglect the fact that some people are more than willing to initiate violence upon us and our peers for any number of reasons—rational or otherwise.

    The dichotomy in point is the balance between being strong, skilled, and capable of violence while keeping that potential sheathed until action is necessary. This is the essence of what it means to be virtuous.

    The only antidote for evil is good men more skilled in violence. we get nowhere positive by suppressing good men into docile and harmless beings.

    At EBG Training, we build up our clients—MEN and WOMEN both—to be strong, capable, disciplined, skilled, and virtuous members of our community.

    we have a responsibility. And we take that seriously.

  • The right to keep and bear arms is an essential right guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Good people need to be trained in the proper handling and use of firearms. Otherwise, all we are left with are bad people with firearms and no one to stop them. It’s pretty simple.

    Therefore, EBG Training Programs include professionally guided “Range Days” in order to best facilitate tactical/firearm proficiency.

    Whether we start off learning the basics of firearm handling with a water pistol, or your proficiency is high enough to dial in your CQB movement and Stress inoculation—we build you up from wherever you are.

    If you don’t like that, you can hide behind us when shit hits the fan.

  • We may not even know each other, but at EBG Training, we have love for you.

    true love isn’t about comforting or telling people what they want to hear. Love requires a sacrifice—a willingness to step up and let the ones you love know when they’re not living up to their fullest potential—despite how uncomfortable it may feel to do so.

    We are here to tell you that in all likelihood—you are fucking up.

    You have potential. You have opportunities. and you have a RESPONSIBILITY to not only yourself but EVERY PERSON WHO HAS EVER BELIEVED IN YOU—myself included—to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

    it’s a tough pill to swallow—but the best part about it is: you got yourself here and you can get yourself out.

    All you need to do is take action. We will be by your side the whole way.

“If You Want Peace, Prepare for War.

— Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum